This help is for MoinMoin with modern theme only. If this is not your case, the position and label of navigation controls may be slightly different. However, the function should be the same.
Screen Layout
The screen layout contains the following parts (from top to bottom):
- Page header
- Navigation bar, a collection of tabs for quick links
- Dynamic message box
- Actions toolbar
- Canvas for page rendering
- Actions toolbar, same as part 4
- Page bottom
The first four parts are the most important and will be introduced below.
Page Header
This part contains the following elements:
- Site logo (optional): it is also a link to the front page (home).
- User login:
- not logged in: offers a link to log in
logged in: shows your user name (links to your home page), provides a link to UserPreferences and a logout link.
Search bar: allows you to search this site. The default button (you get it by hitting <ENTER>) does a title search. If you want to do a full text search, you need to click on the other button.
- Page path: shows the path of the page. Clicking on the page title link will show every page that refers this page. If it is a subpage, you can click on the parent page to go up.
Page trail: lists the last five pages visited, so you can jump back several pages easily. You have to enable Mostrare il piè di pagina to see it.
Navigation Bar
This part is a collection of tabs for quick links. By default, there are three tabs:
RecentChanges, links to a page to show recent modifications of the wiki
FindPage, links to a page offering search and index functions
HelpContents, links to main help page
Besides the default tabs, you can also add your favourite pages to this bar by clicking Aggiungi collegamento on each page or editing Collegamenti rapidi list in UserPreferences.
Dynamic Message Box
This box is displayed to show you some messages. You can click Nascondi questo messaggio to close it or it will be closed automatically when you move to another page.
Actions Toolbar
This part is the links for the most often used functions:
Modifica, allows you to edit the page
Depends on your UserPreferences, it may be Modifica (modo testuale) and Modifica (modo grafico) to let you choose which editor to use
If you have no right to edit this page, Pagina non alterabile is displayed instead
Commenti, toggles visibility of comments (see HelpOnComments)
Informazioni, shows meta information about the page, especially the full version history
Show "Cronologia revisioni", shows revision history of the page
Show "Informazioni generali", shows general information of the page
Show chart "Richieste e modifiche alla pagina", shows page hits and edits count
Abbonati/Annulla abbonamento, allows to subscribe or unsubscribe to email notifications for the current page
Aggiungi collegamento/Rimuovi collegamento, allows to add/remove your favourite pages to/from navigation bar
Allegati, allows to manipulate attachments of the page
Altre azioni:, contains the following common functions:
Mostra il testo grezzo, shows the source code of the current page
Versione stampabile, shows a printable version of the page without the header or footer
Elimina file temporanei, force the page to be recompiled
Controllo ortografico, invokes spelling checker
Pagine simili, prints a list of pages with titles similar to this page
Mappa locale del sito, prints a list of pages that are referred from this page
Rinomina pagina, allows to rename this page
Elimina pagina, allows to delete this page
- Any custom actions you have installed.
This toolbar is duplicated at the page bottom for convenience.