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see HelpOnUserPreferences for help

Creating a profile

Please fill out Name, Password, Password repeat and Email.

(!) It is best to choose a WikiName (like FirstnameLastname) as username to get your changes and signatures link back to your WikiHomepage. Your email is needed for you to be able to get notifications on page changes and to recover lost login data.

If you click on Create Profile, a user profile will be created for you.

Resetting password

If you forgot your password, provide your email address and click on Mail me my account data. The button is only available if the wiki has been configured to support email.

The email you get contains the encrypted password (so even if someone intercepts the mail, he won't know your REAL password). Just copy and paste it into the login mask into the password field and log in.

Then change your password to a known value and save your settings.

Changing settings

Save updates your profile (stored on the wiki server).

The Cookie

The cookie will expire next midnight - except if you choose Remember login information (after being logged in), then the cookie will not expire. After the cookie has expired, you have to login again.

Quick Links

Links placed here will appear in the navigation menu for your login. You can add and remove pages here or you can click Add Link or Remove Link on the desired pages.

In the following syntax examples, the first is a link to an external site and the second is a link to a page within the wiki. See also HelpOnEditing.

[[|MoinMoin Homepage]]

Subscribed wiki pages

You will receive email notification of changes made to the pages listed here. These can be a wiki page names or regular expressions. You can add and remove pages here or you can click Subscribe or Unsubscribe on the desired pages.

In the following syntax examples, the first subscribes to the WikiSandBox page and the second subscribes to all subpages of it:


For more details, please see HelpOnSubscribing.