
About This Book

This book is part of a set of related materials about the same topic: Wireless Networking in the Developing World. While not all materials are available at the time of first printing, these will include:

For all of this material and more, see our website at http://wndw.net/

The book and PDF file are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license. This allows anyone to make copies, and even sell them for a profit, as long as proper attribution is given to the authors and any derivative works are made available under the same terms. Any copies or derivative works must include a prominent link to our website, http://wndw.net/. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ for more information about these terms. Printed copies may be ordered from Lulu.com, a print-on-demand service. Consult the website (http://wndw.net/) for details on ordering a printed copy. The PDF will be updated periodically, and ordering from the print-on-demand service ensures that you will always receive the latest revision.

The website will include additional case studies, currently available equipment, and more external website references. Volunteers and ideas are welcome. Please join the mailing list and send ideas.

The training course material was written for courses given by the Association for Progressive Communications and the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics. See http://www.apc.org/wireless/ and http://wireless.ictp.trieste.it/ for more details on those courses and their material. Additional information was provided by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, http://www.inasp.info/. Some of this material has been incorporated directly into this book.


This book was started as the BookSprint project at the 2005 session of WSFII, in London, England (http://www.wsfii.org/). A core team of seven people built the initial outline over the course of the event, presented the results at the conference, and wrote the book over the course of a few months. Rob Flickenger served as the lead author and editor. Throughout the project, the core group has actively solicited contributions and feedback from the wireless networking community.

Core group

In addition to the core group, several others have contributed their writing, feedback, editing, and other skills to make this project what it is.



Special thanks

The core team would like to thank the organizers of WSFII for providing the space, support, and occasional bandwidth that served as the incubator for this project. We would especially like to thank community networkers everywhere, who devote so much of their time and energy towards fulfilling the promise of the global Internet. Without you, community networks could not exist.

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